#DesignLife Style: Falling into Fall, Gently

It’s here! Even though it’s the same schedule every year, winter, spring, summer then fall, autumn has a way of sneaking up on us.

This time of year, we are often drawn to colors reminiscent of harvest vegetables and turning leaves. There’s something comforting in the traditions we have always followed. In large and small gestures, we like to usher in the change of season and mark the end of summer and the beginning of the cooler months. Here are a couple of ideas for falling into fall, that will bring a bit of #everydaybeautiful to the season.


Little Details, Little Time.

When we’re in a bit of a time crunch, we look for ways to celebrate fall that don’t require hours of preparation.

A #designlife trick that we have on repeat is to fill a pretty vase with found leaves.

That’s it. 

A simple vase, some leaves and voila! Your home is welcoming fall. 

Add a mini pumpkin or two and you have a look that will delight you and your guests. 

With a little more time, the options are endless. 


Going Big.

When you have a bit more time to get creative, you can add some drama to the season. Turn your fireplace hearth or side table into a festive celebration of fall with a whole farm full of pumpkins, persimmons, dried wheat and candles. 

Pile the bounty into wooden bowls, stack the pumpkins as tall as gravity allows, strike a match and light a half a dozen candles.


Where’s the Pumpkin?

This one may be controversial, but there is no law that says you must use pumpkins to decorate for fall. In fact, it seems as if we may be overdoing the pumpkin trend, pumpkin bread, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin cereal, pumpkin Jell-o…Jell-o? No, just no.

There are other decorating options that don’t include the ubiquitous pumpkin. We promise the style police will not arrest you for deviating from the traditional orange and black of Halloween (more ideas on that coming soon). For the orange hue in a different vegetable, how about persimmons or kumquats? A vibrant ruby red pomegranate accents the fall leaves with a gorgeous jewel tone.

Or for a bountiful fall harvest arrangement, we love a bouquet of cabbage blossoms or artichokes. It adds a touch of surprise while honoring the season. 

Everything doesn’t have to be gourds and dried corn. Let your imagination run wild as you’re guided by seasonally available fruits, vegetables and flowers in your local markets. 

Here at Amber Lowi Designs, we like to live by the idea that “Inspiration is Everywhere,” you just have to look.


Frightfully Elegant: #DesignLife Halloween


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