#DesignLife Holidays: Little Joys Smell Just as Sweet

The holidays are here, the holidays are here!

Anyone else feel like time is speeding along and before we know it the New Year will arrive? 

I don’t like that feeling. 

That “things are moving too fast,” anxious feeling is the antithesis of what this time of year represents. Whatever you celebrate, this is a moment to find a cozy nook and draw friends and family near. All the rest is fun and festive, and completely optional. Wreaths, trees, fancy wrapping paper, it’s lovely. And if you’re up to it we have ideas, oh so many ideas.

It’s also important to have a little grace for ourselves. Let go of the long list of tasks we think we “have to do,” to create the holiday spirit. Instead, take a moment to rest and reset, focus on the little joys that make #everydaybeautiful. 

When I start to feel that old familiar anxiousness of taking on too much in too little time, I remind myself to slow down and find some personal peace. One ritual that helps with perspective is to light a candle, take a few deep breaths and remember that this time of year is special because of the small moments we take to connect with friends and family.

It’s enough to just be present in these moments. 

If you, like me, are in need of a little celebratory intermission, strike a match, light the candle and evoke happy holiday feelings and memories. Here’s some scent inspiration to help you find the moment you need.


Breathe in the Seasonal Magic

With its more traditional scent, Nest Holiday is a little bit citrus, a little bit pine and a whole lot of festive. It brings a bit of magic to the season and feels like sparkling fairy lights and the anticipation of unopened presents.


Immerse in Cozy Luxury

The luxurious scent of  Cire Trudon Fir smells of a brisk hike on a cold winter afternoon, that outdoorsy scent that clings to a cashmere sweater as you warm up by a crackling fire.


Delight in a Moment of Stillness

D.S. & Durga x Johhny Walker is cozy, seductive and a little bit smoky. Reminiscent of afternoons spent in an oversized leather chair, reading a book by the fireside. The hint of pipe tobacco lingering in the blanket you snuggle into as the waning sun sets over a snow capped mountain.


Take a Walk with Karl

Hudson Grace Winter beautifully captures a long walk on a bright crisp morning as Karl the Fog lightly mists San Francisco Bay. A little bit of salt water in the air punctuating the scent of the fir trees, laurel and sage.


Enjoy the Wonder of Winter

With the scent combination of fresh cut cedar and smoke, Byredo Woods will transport you to sitting under the stars by a blazing campfire. Perfectly toasty all bundled up in a woolen hat and mittens.


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